Independent Contractors

Independent Contractors


Congratulations! You’ve found a recruiting company that will help you take advantage of becoming an independent contractor sales professional with one of our many companies for whom we function as their outsourced HR Department, recruiting talented people like you!

  • Business Meeting With Independent Contractors


What makes us better? We have two ways to help you:


1. We hire you and give you a full benefit package. Then, we place you to work either in house or at another company at which we know you will earn great commissions. Some positions have a base salary and some are commission only. Contact us to learn more!


2. we place you at another company that is the best possible fit for your needs. Our greatest value to you is our ability to take you through a custom interview process that helps us identify possible companies to send you to for an interview. We work with everyone from small local businesses to Fortune 100 companies with offices nationwide. We choose our companies to recruit for very carefully so you know you will NOT be wasting your time interviewing at a company that is not a good fit for what a talented sales person would want a company to offer them. All of our companies at which you will interview are in a growth industry and their products or services are in high demand. Many of the companies are the largest in their industry, setting records with more and more market share. Some positions have a base salary and some are commission only. Contact us to learn more!

You’ve found a recruiting company that will help you take advantage of becoming an independent contractor sales professional with one of our many companies for whom we function as their outsourced HR Department, recruiting talented people like you!

What makes us better? We hire you and give you a full benefit package (yes, that’s right, you stay as a 1099 independent contractor salesperson AND you get a full benefit package). How can we do that? We are a staffing firm that “permanently places” you in another company. To that company, you are an independent contractor and they will give you a 1099 for your commissions earned. To us, you are an employee who may qualify for either a full or partial benefit package. Very cool, indeed.

Andrew Barden, Chief Strategy Officer, has been a record-setting business-to-business inside and outside sales professional for many years, having starting a number of his own enterprises and has sat on several boards of start up companies, helping to build their sales teams. Andrew establishes relationships with companies who want to grow their sales team and then recruits people like you to join their team in either of the situations 1) or 2) listed above.

Enjoy watching the videos on our video page that explains why you will want to allow HR Alliance, Inc., to hire you, give you a benefit package, and place you in the perfect company’s sales team as an independent contractor. You can also watch our full set of 4 videos that explain how we help employers and “solo-preneurs” like yourself here:

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